Sunday, January 10, 2016

Happy New Year 2016 Image

Happy New Year from Mrs. Conrad’s room! And a terrific start to the year it has been!

Lots to get back into and the kids were ready to roll this week!! Excitement toward our learning goals and getting a chance to see THE FROZEN RUSH at Sunday River were definite perks!

1/11 - Gr. 4/5 Cross Country Skiing
1/12 - Gr. 4/5 Cross Country Skiing
1/13 - Gr. 2/3 Cross Country Skiing
1/14 - Gr. 2/3 Cross Country Skiing
1/18 - Holiday No School
1/19 - Gr. 3 Rugrats Skiing (AM)
1/19 - Gr 4/5 Cross Country Skiing
1/20 - Gr. 4 Rugrats Skiing (PM)
1/20 - Gr. 2/3 Cross Country Skiing
1/21 - Gr. 5 Rugrats Skiing (AM)
1/21 - Gr. 1 Rugrats Skiing (PM)
1/21 - Gr. 2/3 Cross Country Skiing
1/22 - Gr. 2 Rugrats Skiing (PM)
Pears, Fruit, Food, Healthy,

Snack Host for next week: Jayden Thurston

Highlights of the classroom:
Literacy Time:
Esperanza Rising, Just Juice, and Doll Bones are the terrific books for us to start the year with.
Each group has some similar skills and activities to do, such as: editing work, parts of speech scavenger hunts, literary element work, and spelling.
Differences for skills are based on skill level, proficiency of standards, and learning needs.
On IXL, students have been working on EE.1 for the Language skill of editing practice. Please, please, please have them work on IXL at home, too.
Math Time:
Decimal computation, parts of a whole number, number lines, fractions as they relate to decimals, simplifying fractions, adding & subtracting fractions, properties of multiplication, and multiplying numbers ending in zeros.
We are practicing these concepts in a number of ways; math journal notes and follow-up, whiteboards, small group, whole group, and IXL. If you have internet at home, these are the skills that the students are finishing up: C 5,6,and 7.

Social Studies:
Each student has been fact-finding for a person in history- ”Explorers throughout the ages.” We will be sharing and discussing the news and details, concerning our explorer, through a variety of activities next week.

Next week, we will do a few interactive science experiments: chemical reactions and simple machines;  to stimulate curiosity and discussion to practice the “Scientific Method.”IMG_3185.jpg

A reminder, there is no RUGRATS this Thursday.

Looking forward to more learning and fun with my fabulous group!


Mrs. Conrad