Saturday, September 5, 2015

Learning Stations are the way to go!

Learning and Growing

Tables and cubbies! Students are participating in a read-aloud play highlighting idioms. 
9/4/15 Greetings to all from Mrs. Conrad!

New year, New happenings!

It has been a fun and fabulous first week in our classroom! I am so pleased with the way the kids are coming together as a class and getting our routines and expectations down! Totally impressive!!

We have changes in schedule for this year. Our normal daily schedule looks like this:
8:10-8:50 Science/Social Studies
8:55-9:35 MON- THURS “Specials” (Exception: Friday-9:40-10:20)
9:35-10:00 Snack/Recess
10- 11:30 LITERACY/LA
11:35-12:35 Lunch/Recess
12:35-1:00 SSR
1-2:15- MATH

Tues & Friday-Phys. Ed 

 Academic Accomplishments: 

  • Students are doing a terrific job using their planners. They have come back to class each morning with HW filled out and signed by a parent. My students have also been very responsible with passing in HW. YAY, for us!!! 
  •  DRA Testing is complete. 
  • Reading Notebooks have been started in class. Our Class Read Aloud- Kneeknock Rise, by Natalie Babbit 
  • On Friday, we started using our laptops to write a story. Students have shared their story with me and the creating..., editing…., revising process is in place for their first adventure story of the year. 
  • Language and Literary elements: Fantastic, groovy, and super-exciting vocabulary for discussion and writing. Idioms-meanings and application Theme, characters, and setting of story Proper nouns -Spelling words-classmate names 
Points of interest and Things to consider:
In past years, our class has been participating in bringing in a healthy snack for the class each week. What that means is that a schedule is set up and each student is assigned a week to bring in a healthy snack for the class to share. Fresh fruit (bags of apples, oranges, etc) cheese sticks, granola bars (no nut products), etc.

The student would bring in the snack at the beginning of the week. Once it is gone, it’s gone. The student would not need to send in additional for that week.

I will start the schedule next week, so I will bring in the first snack on Tuesday.

More information will be coming home via newsletter and my class blog:

Have an awesome Labor Day weekend! Mrs. Conrad

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